Let’s get you ready for your postpartum journey and caring for baby.

I am so glad you are here.

Welcome to my little corner on the internet, where I share a raw and unfiltered view into the ups and downs of my journey as a stay-at-home mom.

By sharing my honest thoughts, I want to help you discover your strengths as a mom and support you through your fears in your motherhood journey. My goal is to make sure no parent or parent-to-be feels alone in this wild and crazy, yet beautiful phase of life we’re in.

This page is for everyone, women who want to become moms, currently pregnant women, new moms, experienced moms, working and stay-at-home moms, dads and partners.. all are welcome here!

  • Toy and Gift Guides

    Looking for toy and gift ideas for your toddler? Take a look at my favorite age-appropriate toys that will grow with your child and last for a long time. Find toys that foster independent and open-ended play and provide hours of fun for your little one.

  • Learn from my experience as a stay-at-home mom

    Discover valuable insights and lessons I gained from my experience as a stay-at-home mom of 5 years. From the daily joys and challenges of nurturing children to managing a household, learn to feel happy and fulfilled in your journey through motherhood.

  • Everything you need for a successful breastfeeding journey

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