Witch’s broomstick halloween activity For Kids

This activity contains beads. Never leave small children unsupervised when playing with small beads and objects as those can be choking hazards.

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Growing up in Germany, Halloween was never a big deal. I knew what Halloween was from books and movies, but we never actually celebrated it nor did we do any Halloween activities or crafts. So when I moved to the US and experienced my first Halloween with all the costumes, decorations and everything that comes with it, I was fascinated and loved it. And when I had kids Halloween became one of my favorite times of the year.

I LOOOOVE creating magical memories with and for my children and Halloween is the perfect time for that. The spookiness and mystery surrounding the holiday make it something so special for the kids (and of course the excitement for candy). My daughter is almost two now and has been loving Halloween the previous years already. My son just turned two so this will be his first Halloween that he actually somewhat understands what is happening. We have started preparing my son for Halloween and everything that comes with it following my guide for a successful first Halloween experience.

One of the tips I mention in my guide is to do Halloween crafts to familiarize your toddler with the Halloween characters. My children LOVE crafts so we started doing some Halloween crafts and activities. We made an awesome Halloween lantern and had so much fun with it.

When we sat down for a craft this time it was already later in the day and I didn’t want to have to do a huge clean up before dinner. So we decided to do more of an activity and this fun witch’s broomstick craft/activity was a great choice.

It is the perfect Halloween activity when you do not want any messes. It is quick and easy to set up, requires very little materials, clean-up is very simple and most importantly my two and four year old love it. Besides that it is a great activity to practice fine motor skills.

Materials you need

Here is how you make your broomstick

Kids that have good scissor skills already can do most of this on their own, toddlers and smaller kids will need assistance.

1. Fold the construction paper in half and cut along the fold.

Construction paper folded and scissors

2. Using scissors, cut along the construction paper to make the brush of the broom. Do not cut through all the way. This is a great opportunity to let your toddler practice their scissor skills with your help. All they need to do is straight cuts.

Cut up brown construction paper and black scissors

3. Roll up the cut up construction paper to turn it into a roll.

DIY craft brown broomstick brush head

4. Now take a pipe cleaner and wrap it around the end of your paper brush. If you cannot get it tight enough so it won’t come off, use a bit of glue to fixate it better.

My kids insisted we attach the brush after threading beads onto the pipe cleaners. So I just rolled with it, pick your battles. Mom’s out there know what I am talking about. I highly recommend attaching the brush heads first tho as it is way easier without beads on the pipe cleaner.

That’s it! Now you have your broomstick.

Different ways to play with your broomstick

1. Have your kid freely thread beads onto the pipe cleaner. This is a great way to let them be creative in their color choices and awesome for practicing fine motor skills. For younger kids you can choose bigger beads to make it a bit easier. My two and four year old did great with small pony beads.

Child threading colorful pony beads onto brown pipe cleaner

2. Use this activity as a chance to talk about colors and patterns. You can work on threading different patterns or just observe what colors you see.

Child threading colorful pony beads onto brown pipe cleaner

3. Using a dice with a different color instead of numbers on each side, you can utilize this activity for color recognition. Teach your toddler colors by letting them roll the dice and putting a bead in the color they rolled onto the pipe cleaner. Continue until you have filled the entire pipe cleaner. If you are doing this activity with multiple kids you can let them take turns rolling the dice and work on patience, taking turns and teamwork. 

4. Have your kid thread a certain number of beats onto the pipe cleaner, add or remove some and do some counting. This is a great way to practice counting, adding and subtracting and get exposure to early math. You can also use dice to do this and add or subtract the number you roll. 

5. You can turn the threading of beads into a little game. Take turns rolling a number dice and add as many beads as the number on the dice shows. Whoever reaches a certain amount of beads first wins.

Crafted pipe cleaner broomstick with colorful beads
crafted pipe cleaner broomstick with beads in orange and black Halloween colors

One of my favorite things about this activity is that you can do it over and over again. My kids wanted to tie up their broomstick and hang it up as decor, but you can also take the beats back out, store and use it again later.

Looking for more Halloween fun? I have put together a list of fun and engaging Halloween activities and crafts.



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